The owner of this handwriting is remain anonymous, i post this by his approval.
Slant. this handwriting show us about a quite introvert person. this person had a difficult time to express his emotion towards other. it shown by the left slant of it handwriting
Margin. as you can see, it also have margins even all around. people who keep their margin even all around are most interested in the visual effect. they actually see the paper as almost like a work of art. they are interested in beauty, design, symmetry, order, and balance. everything has to be aesthetically pleasing to these people
Baseline. what is baseline means? baseline refer to the imaginary line upon we write on blank piece of paper. by looking at baselines, we can see number of things like general moods and attitude of reaching goals.
notice the baseline on this handwriting. it has erratic baseline. erratic baseline indicate moodiness. the bouncier the baseline tends to be, the more moody the writer.
Size. this handwriting has small sizes letter. the person with small writing is not reaching expansively toward other people (this trait also supported by it left slant). the positive side, those who have small handwriting usually have good concentration and focus. as your mind narrow to it focus, the hand automatically limit its movement, and result the small handwriting
i-dots. i-dots represent details and self-discipline. the more closer i-dots to its i letter, the more this person able to notice the small details. and also, if there are i-dots in every i letter, it means the person have a good self-discipline. as you can see, in this handwriting the i-dots are exist in every i letter and put fairly close to its i letter.
t-bar. this handwriting has a normal pressure. and a regular place t-bar. it means that the person able to even application to tasks, and reliable on finishing them. it also show that he have a normal self-esteem towards himself.
Disconnected scripts. people who write with a disconnected script are generally more inclined to be individuals and are open to influence from their intuition, which they find difficult to ignore. disconnected scripts also show a self-reliant and independent person.
Size. small middle zone (less than 3 mm). a writer with small middle zone usually is an ambition and intelligent planner. have a careful attention to detail, and sedate manners. the downside, the person usually keep his emotional feeling to a minimum level.
Spacing. handwriting with good line spacing reflect an organized mind, a sense of direction, firmness and the ability to maintain a personal drive towards a goal, without being sidetracked by inner or outter disruptions.
actually, there are more to tell from this handwriting. but because of the confidential ethic that a graphologist must hold on to, i cant go further more. but i think this is quite understandable to be made of an example how a handwriting show personality of its writer
Regards, Putro Perdana Prabowo.
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