Doodling Analysis

Part I

Part II

Doodling analysis is a part of graphology. Via doodle test*, a graphologist can confirm the traits and character on your handwriting.
A very simple test. You can draw anything you like, on each boxes! It only takes less than 10 minutes.

*Note: The doodle test is already included in my graphology service. No additional cost :)

Contoh Laporan Analisa Grafologi Dalam B.ind

Handwriting and doodling analysis report

Client: Anonymous

16 – 03 – 2011

Personality and Character

Dari tulisan tangan Anonymous, terlihat adanya kebutuhan physical activity yang cukup tinggi. Anonymous membutuhkan penyaluran berupa aktivitas fisik seperti olahraga dan hal hal yang memacu adrenalin. Apabila physical activity ini tidak tersalurkan dengan baik, ada kecenderungan untuk munculnya perilaku agresif berupa violence. Jenis tulisan Anonymous termasuk dalam kategori dominant lower-zone. Dalam grafologi, lower-zone mendefinisikan ambisi, kebutuhan material, serta physical activity. Ada keinginan dalam diri Anonymous untuk mendapatkan ketiga hal tersebut.

Anonymous juga mampu mengekspresikan emosinya kepada orang lain. Ia akan terlihat sedih ataupun senang apabila ia sedang merasakan perasaan tersebut. Anonymous termasuk pribadi yang ekstrovert dan mampu untuk berkomunikasi dengan lingkungan sosialnya. Ia mampu mendengarkan pendapat orang lain sebagai masukan dalam pengambilan keputusan. Kebutuhannya untuk berinteraksi dengan orang lain, juga terlihat dari keaktifan dirinya untuk terlibat langsung dalam setiap kegiatan. Anonymous adalah pribadi yang sangat aktif.

Self-confidence yang dimiliki Anonymous cukup baik. Ia mampu tampil dihadapan publik tanpa harus merasa malu. Namun karena adanya kepercayaan diri yang cukup tinggi ini, membuat Anonymous rentan terhadap kritik. Ia kurang senang apabila ada orang yang mengkritik dirinya tanpa memberikan solusi. Selain itu, Self-esteem (penghargaan terhadap diri sendiri) dalam diri Anonymous cenderung agak rendah. Anonymous terkadang kurang mampu menghargai dirinya sendiri, walaupun sebenarnya ia telah mencapai prestasi tertentu.

Anonymous termasuk pribadi kurang yang mampu mengatur daily routine dan jadwal kegiatannya. Terkadang secara tidak sadar ia menumpuk dua atau lebih jadwal kegiatan yang dilakukan pada waktu yang sama. Apabila dalam keadaan tertekan secara berlebihan, ada kecenderungan Anonymous untuk mengeluarkannya secara agresif. Namun Anonymous bukanlah pribadi yang tidak punya visi terhadap masa depannya. Adanya keinginan kuat dalam diri Anonymous untuk terus proggress maju ke depan. Ia ingin menjadi seseorang yang lebih baik dan meninggalkan apa yang sudah berlalu dalam hidupnya.

Dalam bersosialisasi, Anonymous bukan tipe orang yang mudah percaya begitu saja pada seseorang yang ia kenal. Ada sikap hati-hati setiap kali ia berinteraksi dengan orang baru. Untuk itu, terkadang ia menampilkan pencitraan diri (self-image) sebagai seorang bad boy. Namun Anonymous termasuk pribadi yang cukup humoris, dan senang diajak bercanda. Hal ini yang membuat dirinya disenangi oleh lingkungan sosialnya. Dalam hasil analisa doodle test, terlihat ia memiliki banyak teman dekat (close-friend) dan teman teman biasa (casual friend)

Suitable Career

Anonymous memiliki jiwa kompetisi yang sangat kuat. Ia dapat memacu dirinya sendiri agar tidak boleh kalah dengan orang lain. Dalam bekerja dan berkarir, jiwa untuk berkompetisi ini akan lebih terlihat. Saat ini Anonymous sangat tertarik dan ingin mewujudkan keinginannya sebagai seorang eksekutif. Dengan semangat berkompetisi yang tinggi, hal ini akan lebih realistis untuk terwujud.

Dalam bekerja, Anonymous termasuk orang yang kreatif dan berpikir out of the box. Ia kurang suka bila harus melakukan pekerjaan yang terikat dengan aturan aturan yang kaku. Apabila ia bekerja dalam kondisi terikat aturan seperti itu, cenderung akan bertabrakan dengan kreativitasnya. Walaupun begitu, self-discipline yang dimiliki Anonymous sangat baik. Ia mampu untuk melakukan kedisplinan dalam bekerja.

Berdasarkan kepribadian Anonymous yang memiliki semangat kompetisi yang kuat, cara berpikir yang kreatif, dan juga adanya jiwa ambisi, maka Anonymous akan merasa nyaman apabila ia bekerja sebagai seorang entrepeuner.

Kecepatan tulisan tangan yg cepat, tidak ada coretan awal pada huruf, menunjukan Anonymous adalah seseorang yang berkarakter quick starter. Tekanan tulisannya yang cukup kuat, adanya hook pada huruf lower-zone, menunjukan sifat ambitiousness. Anonymous juga termasuk orang yang mampu mengambil resiko (risk-taking). Ini terlihat dari tulisannya yang berhenti cukup jauh dari batas margin kanan, serta memiliki keunikan pada huruf huruf tertentu. Sifat risk-taking ini dapat menjadi penyaluran adrenalin dalam diri Anonymous yang perlu disalurkan. Namun perlu ditekankan, bahwa harus ada perhitungan resiko (risk-analysis) yang tepat sebelum mengambil suatu keputusan.

Kemudian, yang juga paling menunjang adalah jiwa dan semangat kompetisi yang nantinya akan membuat kreatifitas Anonymous berada pada titik maksimal. Hampir kesemua karakteristik yang dimiliki Anonymous sangat diperlukan dalam bidang entrepenur. Dengan latar belakang pendidikannya saat ini sebagai seorang mahasiswa ilmu adminstrasi FISIP UI, akan sangat menunjang kesempatannya berkarir di bidang ini.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) about Graphology

1. What is handwriting analysis?
A: It is a scientific (I repeat, scientific) method of identifying, evaluating, and understanding a person's personality via the strokes and patterns revealed by his handwriting. Handwriting analysis study the handwriting and its connection to behavior, personal information and other human traits. It describes the general resources of language's written system, including punctuation, spelling, typography, alphabet and paragraph structure.

2. Do the terms graphology, and handwriting analysis mean the same thing?
A: Although, graphology and handwriting analysis have been used for centuries to describe evaluating personality through the study of handwriting, a few distinctions have arisen in the past 50 years.

* The term handwriting analysis is the umbrella term that describes all forms and theories about understanding character from handwriting.
* The term graphology has come to symbolize an affiliation with the more holistic or Gestalt approach to handwriting analysis. Some graphologists disregard the trait-stroke method completely.

Most experienced analysts agree that combining various kind study of thought, gives the analyst the most flexibility and resources that result in a more accurate personality assessment.

3. What can be told about a person from his handwriting?
A: Handwriting reveals hundreds of elements of the person's "personality and character," which include glimpses into the subconscious mind, emotional responsiveness, intellect, energy, fears and defenses, motivations, imagination, integrity, aptitudes, and even sex drives and issues of trust. There are over 100 individual traits revealed and an unlimited number of combination.

4. How does handwriting reveal personality?
A: Handwriting is often referred to as "brain writing." Research scientists in the fields of neuro-science have categorized neuro-muscular movement tendencies as they are correlated with specific observable personality traits. Each personality trait is represented by a neurological brain pattern. Each neurological brain pattern produces a unique neuro-muscular movement that is the same for every person who has that personality trait. When writing, these tiny movements occur unconsciously. Each written movement or stroke reveals a specific personality trait.

5. How old is handwriting analysis?
A: Research has found references to handwriting analysis as far back as 4500 BC. In 99 AD, the Roman historian Suetonius studied Emperor Augustus' personality from his handwriting. The first handwriting analysis book was published in 1622 by Camildo Baldo. Most pioneering research was performed before 1929 in Europe. The modern scientific method of analyzing individual strokes in handwriting began in 1915 by Milton Bunker.

6. Who uses handwriting analysis?
A: Anyone interested in gaining a better understanding of themselves and others:

  • Individuals for self-improvement: they gain a better understanding of themselves and often incorporate aspects of grapho-therapy* to change bad habits.
  • Single people to aid in the selection of compatible partners.
  • Couples to improve current relationships through better understanding and communication.
  • All people of all ages in the work force for career counseling.
  • Employers for personnel selection.
  • The courts for forgery and questioned documents.
  • Attorneys to aid the jury selection process.
  • Law enforcement in investigating evidence involving handwritten notes.
  • Businesses for credit rating assistance.
  • Psychologists for personality evaluation and therapy.

*(Note: I can teach you how to perform that grapho-therapy)

7. Why does my handwriting change from day to day?
A: Certain strokes represent emotions and moods. As your feelings and moods change from minute to minute, those corresponding particular strokes will change. However, the basic character-defining traits will remain the same. And, if you "really" have a total variation in handwriting styles, you are one moody person and should cut down on the sugar snacks :P

8. What can be told from a person's signature?
A: The signature represents what a person wants the world to see or what he wants to be, an image that may or may not be the same as the inner self. Because a signature contains only a few letters, it does not provide enough information for the analyst to make a complete and accurate evaluation.

9. Do law enforcement use the services of certified handwriting analysts?
A: Some law enforcement in America (not in Indonesia) use forensics specialists to determine the true identity of ransom notes and other handwritten evidence. They hire or use in-house trained document examiners.
In many homicide cases and FBI cases such as cases involving serial killers, a handwriting analyst is hired to help establish the psychological profile of the suspect if handwriting is available. The FBI has people on their staff for this purpose, with special criminal science background.

10. Are you a certified handwriting analyst or just someone who curious about it?
A: Both :)


Time Magazine; Handwriting As Character

Monday, May. 25, 1942

Graphology (handwriting analysis), long in the same U.S. doghouse with such pseudosciences as astrology, palmistry, phrenology may not be so phony as scientists have thought it.

Last week in Manhattan, quiet, greying, sharp-faced Dr. Walter William Marseille, former Berlin psychologist, described graphology's partial emergence from the doghouse to do a routine job of work: rating customer reliability for Spiegel's, Chicago mail-order house, which sells clothing, furniture and household goods to more than two million installment accounts.

Emergence. Marseille studied psychology at Heidelberg and Berlin, got his Ph.D. in 1926 for a critical study of graphological theories, later practiced in Berlin and Vienna as consulting psychologist and personnel adviser for public-utility and industrial corporations. He left Austria on the eve of the Nazi invasion. In 1940 Paul Lazarsfeld, public-opinion researcher, retained him to make a handwriting analysis of mail received by several U.S. Senators during the debate on the conscription bill. His educational rating of the letter-writers (later checked by interviewers) attracted the attention of FORTUNE'S Elmo Roper, who is also a director of Spiegel's. At Roper's suggestion, Spiegel's gave Marseille a trial: 20 handwritten order blanks from reliable customers, 20 from known delinquents. Looking solely for indications of honesty or dishonesty, he failed dismally. Next, he was given 200 specimens—100 of them good accounts, 100 bad; and this time he looked, not for crooks, but for inconsistent, unreliable, poorly adjusted people. He spotted them correctly in over 70% of the cases. Spiegel's told him to go ahead.

Routine. Instead of quibbling over the significance of high-crossed t's and un-dotted i's, the Marseille system, basically, studies the consistency or inconsistency of style, the degree of integration revealed in an individual's handwriting; rates the subject accordingly as: 1) very good risk; 2) fairly reliable; 3) dishonest; 4) poor budgeter, probably harassed by bill collectors.

Graphology's most intractable foes, handwriting experts (not to be confused with analysts), who specialize in detecting forgeries, were quick to belittle Marseille's claims last week. More hopeful were the psychologists and personnel consultants who would like to see handwriting analysis established on scientific ground. If taken away from fortune-tellers and given serious study, graphology may yet become a useful handmaiden of psychology, possibly revealing important traits, attitudes, values of the "hidden" personality. Research for medical graphology (which studies handwriting for symptoms of nervous diseases) already indicates that handwriting is more than muscular. Most re-assuring observation: people who lose their upper extremities, then learn to write with mouth or toes, retain in their new mouth-or foot-writing the essential characteristics of their original handwriting.

Taken from: Handwriting as Character. Time magazine, may 1942